On October 2, the Hunters announced the departure of long-time veteran, Ding “Ameng” Menghan. It marked the end of a three-year era between the two parties. During this period of time, Ameng and the Hunters gained quite a large following. This especially goes for Overwatch League Season Two when the Hunters first became an expansion franchise. Ameng is a pivotal part of this franchise’s history and it is crucial to appreciate what he contributed to the Chengdu franchise. Here is how Ameng helped put the Chengdu Hunters on the map.
Out of the Ordinary Play

The first factor which goes into the Hunters gaining so much attention is centered around Ameng’s Wrecking Ball. It has been his signature hero and Ameng has always remained one of the best on that role. He even found success during Season Two, where the meta was heavily dominated by GOATS. The triple tank setup in this composition was usually led by Reinhardt. But not for the Hunters.
Along with unconventional compositions involving DPS characters, the Hunters often utilized Wrecking Ball. At the time, it was bizarre. However, the fans loved it.
In the first half of 2019, Wrecking Ball was almost purely utilized by Chengdu. It made them unique. But more importantly, it helped Ameng stand out. Aside from that, the Hunters made it work. They by no means had a dominant year back in 2019, but they still won three or more games in each stage.
It was because Ameng and his teammates made the Wrecking Ball work that people started paying attention. This unconventional composition of theirs found success both in-game and from a marketing standpoint. It was breath of fresh air during a time when the meta was stagnant. The Hunters quickly became the “fun team” and it’s largely thanks to Ameng.
The “Yotta Chad” Mentality

What makes Ameng’s story so special is how quickly he became a fan favorite. In a matter of weeks, he had already earned a nickname that still sticks with him to this day. In the early stages of 2019, Ameng became known as the “Yotta Chad.” This nickname picked up so much steam, that a few fans even put it on Urban Dictionary.
Ameng’s appreciation is But there is good reason for it. Besides being the Wrecking Ball guy, he just gives off strong feelings of confidence. Even in his recent free agency tweet, he made it clear that he is what a team is missing to win a championship.
What also makes him seem so confident is how he approached the game the last few years. He usually played Wrecking Ball even when it was probably not the best option because he believed he was that good. What’s funny is he showed he can play other tank heroes if needed. The big moment most fans remember is when he gave famous Reinhardt player, Sang-beom ‘Bumper’ Park all he could handle.
In a Stage One match that nearly saw the Hunters give the Vancouver Titans their first loss of the year, Ameng decided to shut down his critics. He decided to play a ton of Reinhardt in traditional GOATS right there and then. He was no Wrecking Ball one-trick, and Bumper found that out the hard way. Ameng took a top Reinhardt player of Season 2 to school.
Flexing on the Haters

His match against Bumper was a defining moment in Ameng’s career. It only made fans pay even more attention to him and the Hunters. And despite coming up short in that match, Ameng sent a message. He could play Reinhardt and other tank heroes no problem.
It truly is what makes Ameng’s rise to fame so unique. He was more than capable of playing other tanks. He chose not to though. Ameng exhibited confidence while being one of the most entertaining tank players in the Overwatch League. He knew exactly how to make fans gravitate towards him.
Moving on

While Ameng’s time on the Hunter’s may be up, his legacy will never be forgotten. Ameng gave many fans a reason to watch this franchise and is responsible for many lifetime supporters. He was never a top player in the league during his tenure in Chengdu, but he found still found his way into the spotlight anyway.
Ameng is now a free agent as he looks to pursue a championship and a new opportunity to be a starter. It is difficult to gauge how much interest other teams will have in Ameng. After primarily staying on the bench during Season Four, he must once again prove himself to the rest of the world. Regardless of what comes next, Ameng’s impact on the Hunters and the league as a whole will forever be immortalized.
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