The Crown Tundra Regis locations: How to get all six Regis in Pokémon Sword and Shield (2025)

In Pokémon Sword and Shield’s The Crown Tundra expansion pack, you’ll face off against many familiar legendary creatures. You’ll also come across plenty of regional variants, and some never before seen Pokémon. While having the Regi trio hidden in shrines is a bit of an old trick for the series, there are two new Regi Pokémon that are exclusive to this DLC.

Both Regieleki and Regidrago are brand new Crown Tundra Pokémon, joining Galarian Articuno, Galarian Zapdos, and Galarian Moltres as some of the most desirable Pokémon to catch. Regieleki is a zippy Electric-type with the highest base Speed stat in the entire game.Yes, it even out-speeds Deoxys’ Speed Forme. Regidrago on the other hand might not have a record-breaking stat, but it has a Dragon-type version of Water Spout that can hit every enemy on the opposing end of the battlefield.Check out ourPokémon type chart to learn more about these new catches.

The Crown Tundra Regi Locations

To find the Regirock, Regice, and Registeel, you’ll need to find and crack open three temples. Once inside, step on the dots and they will light up. Once all the dots are lit up, it will activate the statue at the back of the temple. Then, interact with the statue to start the battle. We’ve described all of their locations in the segments below, but we’ve also prepared a map with their locations highlighted.

The Crown Tundra Regis locations: How to get all six Regis in Pokémon Sword and Shield (1)

All of the Regis can be encountered again if you make them faint by retracing their pattern on the ground, so there is no need to save in advance. Here are the locations and the ways to access every Regi in the game:

Registeel location

  • Location: Giant’s Bed –From Freezington, head south past Frostpoint Field and hang to the western wall on your right. You should find the silver temple.
  • Clue:“Let ring out the piercing note that will wake the giant of steel.”
  • How to open the door:Whistle in front of the door. Push the left thumbstick while not riding your bike.

Registeel encounter stats

  • Level: 70
  • Ability: Clear Body – Prevents other Pokémon’s moves or abilities from lowering the Pokémon’s stats.
Heavy Slam
SteelPhysical100The more the user outweighs the target, the greater the move’s power.
Flash CannonSteelSpecial80100This move may also lower the target’s Special Defense stat.
Iron DefenseSteelEffectThis move sharply raises the user’s Defense stat.
Charge BeamElectricSpecial5090This move may raise the user’s Special Attack.


  • Location:Giant’s Bed – From Freezington, head south and go past the Old Cemetery. You’ll eventually come across a river.Regirock’s temple is east of the river that leads to the Dyna Tree. When you reach the river from the north, keep to the left.
  • Clue:“Let the first Pokémon hold a never-changing stone.”
  • How to open the door:Equip the first Pokémon in your party with an Everstone, then use the door.

Regirockencounter stats

  • Level: 70
  • Ability: Clear Body – Prevents other Pokémon’s moves or abilities from lowering the Pokémon’s stats.
FightingPhysical120100This move also lowers the user’s Attack and Defense stats.
Stone EdgeRockPhysical10080Critical hits land more easily.
Hammer ArmFightingPhysical10090This move also lowers the user’s Speed stat.
CurseGhostEffectLowers this Pokémon’s Speed to raise its Attack and Defense stats.


  • Location:Snowslide Slope–From Freezington, head south and keep to the left wall. Go past the farm and eventually you’ll see snow. Go up this path and go down the first slope on the left. Follow this new path to find the temple.
  • Clue:“Walk together with a living crystal of snow.”
  • How to open the door:Put Cryogonal as the first Pokémon in your party, then use the door. If you don’t have one, the path back from where you came has one roaming around for you to catch.You can move it to the box once the door is open.

Regice encounter stats

  • Level: 70
  • Ability: Clear Body – Prevents other Pokémon’s moves or abilities from lowering the Pokémon’s stats.
Ice Beam
IceSpecial90100This move may also leave the target frozen.
Zap CannonElectricSpecial12050This move also has a 100% chance to paralyze the target.
AmnesiaPsychicEffectThis move sharply raises the user’s Special Defense stat.
Icy WindIceSpecial5595This move also lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Speed stat.

Regieleki & Regidrago

  • Location:Three-Point Pass–From Freezington, head south and hang a left. Ignore the snowy slopes and keep heading east until you find a river flowing into a cave. Navigate through the cave until you reach a coastline. Go into the water and turn right. You should be able to see a slope. Head up it and around to the left to find the temple.
  • Clue:“When gather the three giants, the door of destiny shall be opened.”
  • How to open the door:Have Regirock, Regice, and Registeel in your party, then use the door.You can move them to the box once the door is open.
  • Note: Trace an X pattern for Regieleki and a Y pattern for Regidrago. Once you activate the runes for one Regi, you will not be able to encounter the other, even if you make your chosen Regi faint.

Regielekiencounter stats

  • Level: 70
  • Ability:Transistor – Powers up Electric-type moves
Thunder CageElectricSpecial8090The user traps the target in a cage of sparking electricity for four to five turns.
ElectrowebElectricSpecial5595This move lowers the opponent’s Speed stat.
Extreme SpeedNormalPhysical80100This move always goes first.
Magnet RiseElectricEffectThe user levitates using electrically generated magnetism for five turns.

Regidrago encounter stats

  • Level: 70
  • Ability: Dragon’s Maw – Powers up Dragon-type moves
Dragon EnergyDragonSpecial150100The lower the user’s HP, the lower the move’s power.
Dragon ClawDragonPhysical80100No additional effects.
Hammer ArmFightingPhysical10090This move also lowers the user’s Speed stat.
Laser FocusNormalEffectThe attack on the next turn always results in a critical hit.

How to catch Regigigas In The Crown Tundra

It turns out you can encounter Regigigas in Pokémon Sword and Shield, but you’re going to have to work for it. To find the correct Dynamax Den, fly to Snowslide Slope. When you arrive, turn around and head back down the slope towards the green area. Just towards the cliff edge, you should be able to see an inactive Dynamax Den with four rocks around it.

In order to activate this den, you’ll needeveryRegi Pokémon in your party. This includes both Regieleki and Regidrago, so you will have to trade with another player or another profile via Pokémon HOME to get them. Once you have all five in your party, use the Dynamax Den and you’ll be sucked into the den.

A word of warning though: this Regigigas is a Level 100 Dynamax encounter, and you are the only participant. No, we’re not joking.Luckily it has the abilitySlow Start, which halves its Attack and Speed. After those five turns though, its stats will be maximised and it’ll ram into your Pokémon with the sheer force of a tank. It does have a 100% catch rate if you do beat it though, so that’s a plus.

Regigigas encounter stats

  • Level: 100
  • Ability: Slow Start –Half this Pokémon’sAttack and Speed stats for the first five turns.
Giga ImpactNormalPhysical15090The user can’t move on the next turn.
Zen HeadbuttPsychicPhysical8090This move may also make the target flinch.
Hammer ArmFightingPhysical10090This move also lowers the user’s Speed stat.
Crush GripNormalPhysicalThe more HP the target has left, the greater this move’s power.

And there you have it, that is where to find every single Regi Pokémon in the game. There are plenty of other elusive Pokémon out there to be found, such as the manyolder legendariesin the Dynamax Adventures, where the shiny chance is dramatically increased.

The Crown Tundra Regis locations: How to get all six Regis in Pokémon Sword and Shield (2025)
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